Pumpkin Patch Numero 1

This past weekend we took the Bear to Sea World. It was a blast, even if we did commit a Sea World sin. Bear saw sharks, sea lions, dolphins (he LOVED the dolphins). He watched Sesame Street, rode the carousel multiple times, and ran around the place like we had been keeping him in a tiny room for days. BUT we did not go see Shamu. For shame, I know, but as I said he was running around like a mini maniac and the Husband and I weren’t in the mood to torture any strangers or ourselves trying to keep the Bear sitting still for 30 minutes.
Before we left for the day we visited the Sea World pumpkin patch! Okay, so they don’t actually have a pumpkin patch, but there are tons of pumpkin displays around the park and we haven’t made it to our local patch yet so we improvised. The Bear had fun and tried to take a pumpkin home with us. Don’t worry, I didn’t let him steal any Sea World pumpkins. That’s why I got “THE FACE” from him. Enjoy, we did! This kid cracks me up, his brain is always on overdrive and he is a crafty little stinker!









Sensory Bottle 1

I have made sensory bottles for my classroom before, but this is the first sensory bottle I made for Bear. Actually it turned into a joint effort, which turned into another fine motor activity to entertain my little guy for half an hour. We used an empty water bottle, rice, pasta shells, those clear stones from the dollar store, and plastic colored stringing beads. There are so many other options for a sensory bottle, but we were looking for something to make NOISE!




Snack Bank

So, the Bear and I try to do one organized activity in the mornings before I go to work. Usually in between breakfast and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We have made sensory bottles (I will post about that later) and there is an activity tray that holds our math, science, and fine motor centers housed on our kitchen counter. I am writing about the snack bank because I cannot believe how something I made in two minutes, trying to find something to entertain my little guy in his high chair while we cooked dinner could become one of his favorite games. He will pull the Husband and I into the kitchen to get it down for him. I may have to make one of these for my students with issues with pencil grip to help strengthen their three finger pincer grip. Yay!



